1. To Be Alive
To be alive is to feel the freshness of the air and to rejoice in the beauty of the world. To be alive is to be surrounded by friends, family and love. To be alive is to laugh, to cry and to learn. To be alive is to experience pain and sorrow. It is to be tired and confused and overwhelmed yet to still admire the world and its many gifts.
To be alive is to embrace every moment, to hold every precious second and to take strength from the knowledge that it won’t last forever. To be alive is to hope for better days and to have faith that regardless of the hardship, life will go on.
2. The Power of Dreams
Dreams have the power to transport us to a new place and time. They have the power to massage us from reality and to take us on amazing adventures. Dreams have the power to make us laugh, cry and to empower us. They have the power to give us courage and motivate us to pursue our dreams.
Dreams are catalysts of ambition and they fill us with a sense of possibility. They give us a real sense of what we can and cannot do. Dreams drive us to new heights and make us push beyond our limits.
Dreams give us hope and provide us with a sense of purpose in life. They are the fuel that can propel us to reach our goals and make our lives better, richer and fuller.