权益法下长期股权投资的税务处理 (Tax Treatment of Long-term Equity Investment under Equity Method)
Under the Chinese Company Law, long-term equity investments are eligible for favorable tax policies and income deductions. Firstly, 20% of the realized net income of the invested enterprise is imposed as corporate income tax by the investing enterprise. Secondly, corporate income tax of the invested enterprise should be reduced to 60% proportional rate amongst the joint gains achieved by the investing enterprise and the invested enterprise. In addition, the weighted average return ratio between the investing enterprise and the invested enterprise can be much higher than 20% and 60% respectively from a tax perspective, thus these two enterprises both can be benefited from this preferential policy. Furthermore, Chinese taxation authority also allow the investing enterprise to deduct the interest and some related cost paid jointly by the investing enterprise and the invested enterprise as the cost of the investing enterprise, thus reducing the tax burden of the investing enterprise.