本文解答了关于《中级会计职称考试备考攻略》相关内容,同时关于1、中级会计职称考试备考攻略,2、中级会计职称备考指南,3、中级会计职称考试怎么备考,4、中级会计职称备考经验 知乎,5、中级会计备考攻略知乎,的相关问答本篇文章福途教育网小编也整理了进来,希望对您有帮助。
(1)证券市场、财务管理和财务咨询等职能部门涉及的会计术语,例如:accrual principle(暂收法), Assets Management(资产管理), Balance Sheet(资产负债表), GAAP(美国通用会计准则)等 。
(2)中国会计准则,例如:assets valuation(资产估值),cash flow statement(现金流量表),cost accounting(成本核算法),Depreciation(折旧),Economic Entity Assumption(经济实体假定), historical cost principle(历史成本法),Income Statement(损益表),financial ratio(财务比率)等。
(3)考试中常用的办公自动化技术的英文缩写,例如:DDB (分布式数据库),CAD (计算机辅助设计),EDI (电子数据交换),EFT (电子转帐),EMS (电子邮件服务),ERP (企业资源计划),VB (Visual Basic)等。
Accounting is the process of providing financial information about a business to the appropriate people in an organized, understandable and consistent format. Accounting includes such financial activities as developing balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and other reports. Accounting is important, as it helps to control business operations in a way that is understandable and useful.
Accounting enables business owners to make sound decisions, by providing them with the financial facts. Accounting is a way for businesses to make sure their assets are managed and secured. It can also control spending and ensure that taxes are paid in a timely manner. Without an accurate accounting system, companies cannot accurately assess their financial health or predict their future performance.