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时间:2024/2/21 8:49:34 编辑:福途教育 标签:初级安全工程师

2023年【初级安全工程师】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





    初级注册安全工程师网校 www.securitylab.cc

    1. File Permissions:

    Unix/Linux permissions are used to restrict access to files and directories. These permissions are set for each user and group, and specify whether a user can read, write, or execute a particular file or directory.

    2. Network Security:

    Network security involves protecting data that is sent across a computer network. This can include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, and access control. Network security also involves monitoring and controlling the flow of network traffic in order to prevent malicious activities such as hacking, phishing, and data theft.

    3. Authentication and Authorization:

    Authentication is used to verify the identity of a user, while authorization is used to control what a user can do once they are authenticated. Authentication and authorization are often used in combination to ensure that a user is allowed to access the data or resources they need.

    4. Application Security:

    Application security involves protecting applications from malicious activities such as hacking, cracking, and other forms of attack. This includes using strong passwords and strong encryption, as well as secure programming practices such as input validation and output encoding.

    5. Identity and Access Management:

    Identity and access management (IAM) is used to control who has access to sensitive data and systems. This includes using authentication and authorization, as well as monitoring and logging user access to help detect security incidents.




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