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时间:2023/11/19 14:08:56 编辑:福途教育 标签:碳排放管理师

2023年【碳排放管理师】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





    碳排放管理师考试时间With much of the world focused on cutting down on carbon emissions in order to protect our planet’s climate, there has never been a greater need for qualified carbon emission management professionals. To ensure reasonable and valid standards for certifying and employing such professionals, the International Carbon Reduction and Management Council (ICRMC) has developed a certification exam for professionals in the field of carbon emission management.

    The ICRMC has announced that the initial Carbon Emissions Management Professional (CEM) certification exam will take place on December 15 and 16, 2021, with additional tests scheduled for spring 2022 and fall 2022. The exam will be administered by the Pearson Vue testing center, and can be taken in any one of 8,500 electronic test centers throughout the world. Individuals who wish to take the exam must register online through Pearson’s website or by telephone: (+1-800-226-0603).

    The two-day exam covers topics including regulatory compliance, sustainability and environmental impacts, life cycle analysis, carbon accounting, greenhouse gas abatement, and auditing/inspection. In addition, it also tests a candidate’s knowledge on a variety of other subjects related to the emissions management profession. Upon successful completion of the exam and review of application documents, professionals will become certified to practice carbon emission management in their respective countries.

    The ICRMC will also offer webinars and online courses to help applicants prepare for the exam. Furthermore, practitioners who have already made progress in their training can apply for various advanced-level courses.

    The ICRMC is dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging the proper training and employment of carbon emission management professionals. As the climate crisis comes to further dominating the global conversation, this new certification exam exemplifies the organization’s commitment to empowering the professionals of tomorrow who will lead the transition to a sustainable and carbon-free world.




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