Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [your name]. It is really a great honor to have this chance for a interview, I would like to introduce myself briefly.
I am [your age] years old, born in [your birthplace]. I graduated from [school name] and major in [ subjects ]. In the past [ job times ] years, I worked as a [ job name ] in [job place] and gained a valuable experience in [job field].
My key strengths are [your strengths]. I am good at teamwork, organized and efficient. I have strong communication and leadership skills, I am approved by my former colleagues.
I am passionate to learn new things, and self-motivated to develop my skills and achieve my goals. After reading the job descriptions carefully, I am confident that I have the potential and enthusiasm to be successful in this role.
I am excited to meet with you and share more Thoughts on my profile with you. Thank you for considering my application.