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时间:2023/8/18 23:11:45 编辑:福途教育 标签:高考

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    The Benefit of Keeping a Journal

    Good morning, teachers and fellow students, it’s my pleasure to talk about the benefit of keeping a journal.

    A journal is a type of diary, where you can record your daily events and thoughts. Generally, a journal is private, but some people may choose to share it with others. Keeping a journal can bring enormous benefits.

    Firstly, it’s a great way to reflect and practice self-discovery. By jotting down your reflections, you can get better insight into your true thoughts and feelings, which can often be difficult to understand. With that understanding, you can strive to become a better version of yourself.

    Another benefit of keeping a journal is gaining perspective on complex challenges. Writing down your challenges can give you the distance and objectivity you need to better organize and solve them. Furthermore, you can use your journal to help you identify patterns, pinpoint weaknesses, and come up with ideas to improve.

    Ultimately, keeping a journal can help you live a much healthier and happier life. You can express your passions and ideas, and become more mindful of the present moment.

    In conclusion, journals can be a powerful way to better yourself and manage challenges. Think profoundly, write sincerely, and your life is bound to get better. Thank you for your attention!




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