本文解答了关于《2.prefer句型》相关内容,同时关于1、prefer 句型,2、prefer句型总结,3、prefer的句型用法,4、prefer的语法用法,5、prefer用法总结以及例句,的相关问答本篇文章福途教育网小编也整理了进来,希望对您有帮助。
1. She prefers to listen to music rather than watching TV.
2. He prefers to travel alone rather than with a tour group.
3. They prefer working from home rather than in an office.
4. I prefer cooking to ordering takeout.
5. He prefers going to the park on weekends rather than staying home.
6. She prefers taking long walks rather than running on the treadmill.
7. They prefer outdoor activities to indoor ones.
8. I prefer making calls to texting.
9. She prefers tea over coffee.
10. He prefers to do things by himself rather than asking for help.